Daneal, 38, had never really been been much of a fitness fanatic. Leading a generally sedentary lifestyle, he has always been one who is career driven, and focused on his tasks at hand. Working at a global logistics firm, Daneal is required to constantly be on the ball to receive last minute calls and offers to take on. Because of his jobscope, having to lift heavy objects on a regular basis, he suffered mild lower back and knee pain and was often tired. His motivation to exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle was close to none.
Realising that age was getting the better of him and his metabolism was dropping, Daneal felt that he needed to take action. He lived his life eating and doing whatever he wanted. Keeping fit and active was never his priority, aside from occasional friendly soccer matches with his boys. Nevertheless, he managed to maintain a steady weight. However, he realised that he started putting on weight a lot faster after passing his thirties. Daneal had certain concerns which he felt a personal trainer could best assist him with and got in touch with MSFIT.
Daneal came to us sure of what he wanted, but unsure of how to go about achieving what he wanted. He focused on eating better, despite having irregularly working hours, attended training regularly and also followed customised home workout routines which MSFIT provided him with.
His strength and stamina skyrocketed and he was more motivated than he had ever been. In addition, his friends and colleagues started noticing the difference in him and this motivated him even further to continue on his journey. The ability to lift heavier each time made him want to push harder every single session too. Daneal also reported having an increase in mood and energy levels during office hours as well as outside of work, aside from inches off his waistline. The pictures will tell you a better story.
“I lost about 6kg during the training but I realized that the numbers on the scale isn't important but it's how you feel and how you look in the mirror.” Kudos to you Daneal, you lean, mean machine!
“I was looking at pictures I took whilst on holiday and realized I had put on some weight and looked a little chunkier. I needed to do something about it and get back to shape since I'm hitting 40. I signed up for a 36 session package boy did it just fly by. Learned a variety of exercises using body weights too and that sparked off my renewed interest in "bodybuilding". I lost about 6kg during the training but I realized that the numbers on the scale aren't important but it's how you feel and how you look in the mirror. Friends and colleagues noticed the difference and it motivated me to continue on my journey. The trainers know how to motivate and push you every step of the way. Now that I'm training on my own, I kinda miss that little extra push. If you don't know where to start or just need a little bit of motivation to kick things off, you need to get in touch with MSFIT!”
Why fit in when you can stand out?